Thursday, December 24, 2009

ah….Christmas Eve day

ah….Christmas Eve day and the sun shines brightly over Huntington Beach. in direct sunlight the warmth radiates on my face and takes me back, and in the shady places there is a chill that rises up and this too takes me to my heart. during these holidays there is a longing to connect with all my loving family and friends who are no longer walking this earthly realm. and it is also the presence of family though somewhat smaller there is that love that streams through us and them as well, and the peace that parents and grand-parents and uncles and aunts with whom we once shared and share again each time they enter our consciousness. there is really only this moment in time, it can’t be held on to but it can be lived fully and with love and joy our moments can fill our hearts and fill our lives and we can walk with all of the past, the present and the future; for there is nothing else manifest but our love if we surrender to ‘just this’ as it unfolds and weaves a path from here to here and where we are is where we have always been. peace……… peace……… and peace……… be everywhere………

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