Thursday, November 22, 2012

the meaning of thanksgiving

the meaning of thanksgiving

we aspire in this lifetime
to embody the love and compassion
of Avalokiteśvara.
we take many vows
along this path
only to ignore them
or not break them knowingly.
without intending to do harm
we also do much harm indeed,
for we live in this house
of frailty and impermanence.
the reason we give pause
and rest in our appreciation,
is that others have helped us
along this path,
with love, support, guidance
and most of all unconditional compassion.
family and friends who walk
this crooked path together,
point out the potholes
and sharp turns to protect us.
may we all rejoice in our family
of seven billion people today,
and know that each one of us
is special, and deserving
of the same love that we aspire towards.

Wonji Dharma

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